Nanoelectronics refer to the use of nanotechnology on electronic components, especially transistors. Although the term nanotechnology is generally defined asutilizing technology less than 100 nm in size, nanoelectronics often refer to transistor devices that are so small that inter-atomic interactions and quantum mechanical properties need to be studied extensively. As a result, present transistors do not fall under this category, even though these devices are manufactured with 45 nm, 32 nm, or 22 nm technology.

Nanoelectronics refer to the use of nanotechnology on electronic components

In Gordon Moore observed that silicon transistors were undergoing a continual process of scaling downward, an observation which was later codified as Moore’s law. Since his observation transistor minimum feature sizes have decreased from 10 micrometers to the 28-22 nm range. The field of nanoelectronics aims to enable the continued realization of this law by using new methods and materials to build electronic devices with feature sizes on the nanoscale.

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